Thank you for bringing this onto the light Jenna, it’s something that I hadn’t made the connection with, although I have done a lot of work with my ancestors around persecution and speaking the truth. Many of us carry this witch wound and perhaps it is triggered during the menopause as we remember we were in danger at this time and therefore need to hide ourselves away? It coincides with the transformational stage of the crone. Really interesting! 🙏💫

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Louise, isn't it amazing how the connection has been missed by some (many?) of us?? But perhaps because I am of this menopause age now, it didn't really hit me because it didn't concern me. Now that I've done some digging in, it is really unbelievable just how many women were executed. I didn't want to put a number here because it is impossible to calculate, but many sourced I read is estimating between 40–60,000. And yes, the age of the crone. I want to dig into this next. If you have any knowledge around this, please share!

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We are gradually reclaiming our power through this phase of life and healing on behalf of those that experienced it. I wrote this post on the crone and I’m sure my friend Pam Bailey who writes The Magnificence of Menopause would have something to contribute. I can’t tag her here. https://open.substack.com/pub/louisehallam/p/shame-and-the-crone?r=2g8gtx&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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This is wonderful Louise, thank you! And just subscribed :)

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You’re welcome, it’s lovely to be connected. 💫🙏

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Hello - looping in from Louise’s comments! - ah yes the crone, she comes into her own in autumn/winter as the night sky darkness sets in. She is feared as she is for some a reminder of death & aging but in the collective unconscious energy she embodies intuition, inner knowing, channeling wisdom & helps to birth our transformation from the dark into the light. She is fascinating & I get what your saying about witches this is probably the deepest ancestral wound we carry

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What a beautiful, vivid description of the crone! thank you so much for this, Pam.

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Thank you for this, Jenna. I think you are definitely on to something with the connections around women, aging and menopause. The memorial must have been emotional to visit.

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Thank you for the restack, Kate.

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Thank you for sharing this, Jenna. I always learn something from your writing.

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🙏❤️ Thank you for the restack, Yuezhong

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Thank you for this post. I hadn't realized that so many of the victims of these trials were over 50.

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Thank you for reading, Kristen!

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I love this. Have you read Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici? It validates everything you're saying here. I would totally read it again and discuss...

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I haven't! I will have to look it up...whenever I have time to read. 😩 I feel like the past 2 months I've been drowning...

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Haha fair. No pressure, just reiterating that you are right

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Its fascinating to be this age, and feel the power of beauty slip away and feel the power of another sort altogether. you're right, menopause is so poorly understood even now. We may as well embrace the witch! Or at least that is what I say today. I went to a Breeders concert the other day and I was in a pack of menopausal women, all fanning ourselves and sweating and bonding. It felt good to share it with strangers.

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I love everything about your comment—ALL of it. From your poetic description about aging to your visceral description about the Breeders concert.

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